Tenth Language-theoretic Security (LangSec) IEEE Security & Privacy Workshop | |
Preliminary Program (All times are in US Pacific time) |
8:30-8:40am | Opening Words from the Organizers |
8:40-9:40am | Keynote (Session chair: Sergey Bratus): Towards Language-Theoretic Security for Dynamic Documents. Will Crichton and Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University) |
9:40-10:00am | ARPA-H Invited Talk: Medical Data Expression: Unlocking the Next Generation of Healthcare AI. Andrew Carney (ARPA-H) |
10:00-10:20am | Break |
10:20am-12:00pm | First Session: Research Papers (Session chair: Julien Vanegue) |
Vulnerability Flow Type Systems. Mohsen Lesani (UC Santa Cruz) | |
Weird Machines in Package Managers: A Case Study of Input Language Complexity and Emergent Execution in Software Systems. Sameed Ali, Sean Smith (Dartmouth College) and Michael E. Locasto (NARF Industries) | |
Robust Verification of PEG Parser Interpreters. Zephyr Lucas (Dartmouth College) and Natarajan Shankar (SRI) | |
Research Report: An Optim(l) Approach to Parsing Random-Access Formats. Mark Tullsen, Sam Cowger, Mike Dodds (Galois, Inc.) and Peter Wyatt (PDF Association) | |
12:00-1:30pm | Lunch |
1:00-1:30pm | Poster Session |
FusionProbe: A Look Into The Utility Of Fusing Static & Dynamic Analysis,
Rodrigo Branco, Imani Palmer, Rob Adams and Edmond Rogers; On the Effectiveness of Intel's CAT as a Side Channel Mitigation, Pawel Wieczorkiewicz, Rodrigo Branco, and Ben Lee |
1:30-2:30pm | Keynote (Session chair: Rodrigo Branco): Beyond LogoFAIL: The Stubborn Security Challenge of Parser Vulnerabilities. Alex Matrosov (Binarly.io) |
2:30-2:40pm | Short Break |
2:40-3.30pm | Second Session: Invited Talks (Session chair: Sean W. Smith) |
ParDiff: Practical Static Differential Analysis of Network Protocol Parsers. Mingwei Zheng & Xiangyu Zhang (Purdue Univerity) | |
Security Challenges of Parsing Differentials on the Web. Bahruz Jabiyev (Dartmouth College) | |
3:30-3:50pm | Afternoon Break |
3:50-5:00pm | Third Session: Research Reports (15 mins) and Work-in-Progress (10 mins) (Session chair: Sergey Bratus) |
Research Report: Not All Specifications Are Created Equal. Meng Xu (University of Waterloo) | |
Parsing, Performance, and Pareto in Data Stream Security. J Peter Brady and Sean W Smith (Dartmouth College) | |
Research Report: Enhanced eBPF Verification and eBPF-based Runtime Safety Protection. Guang Jin, Jason Li and Greg Briskin (Trusted Science & Technology) | |
Research Report: Testing and Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Applications. Paul Lintilhac, Joshua Ackerman and George Cybenko (Dartmouth College() | |
Work-in-progress Presentations: | |
On the Idea of Risk And Input Complexity: Embracing Insecurity Using Weird Machines Theory to Measure Attack Surfaces. Froylan Maldonado and Matthew Levy (NIWC) | |
Real-World Threats From In-Use “Blind Random” Block Corruption. Rodrigo Branco and Shay Gueron | |
5:00-5:20pm | Bug of the Year Awards and closing words from organizers |